

MEASURES on polar?
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Basic Member
Posts:31 Basic Member

2012-05-24 10:57
    Hi to all very new user so for sure a very silly question!
    I am noticing that if i insert a measure it come up with a standard 2mt, but the question is but polar does not calculate automaticly a point to point?
    I mean if i have a 6 mt truss,and from the library i drag in measures ,is there a command to say from this point of this truss to another point of the same truss calculate the distance?
    Or if I lay down the measure in correspondance of the truss ,is there a way to see my measure seaching for the correct point,like when we hang fixtures!
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2012-06-05 15:43
    Hi giancarlo,

    You can double click on the ends of a measure to move the endpoints separately and they also snap to objects and surfaces!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-06-07 11:19
    I cannot find Measures anywhere and nothing shows up in the search either? I have only been able to look on the Mac though.

    Where will I find this please, it sounds like a very helpful feature!


    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-06-12 08:50
    The Capture team are very busy implementing all the new features we all keep requesting, but can any other users help with this question at all please?


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2012-06-12 08:59

    The measures should be available under Symbols / Measures.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-06-12 09:17
    Fantastic, thankyou very much Lars.

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