

Feature Request
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2012-06-11 22:55
    It would be great if you could have the option to hide some of the information in the paperwork view. For example I often don't need to see my DMX addresses on the plan, just the unit number and it's circuit information is sufficient.

    If there is already a way of doing this I'd be happy to hear it!
    Basic Member
    Posts:29 Basic Member

    2012-06-12 00:13
    I'm looking for this function too!
    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-06-12 08:48
    I agree this would be great.

    I always find myself working with two versions of the showfile at the latter stages of a job, as I need it to be patched for programming, but then if I make any small changes to the design I don't want to patch info on the plan as it starts to appear cluttered. It means all updates have to be done twice.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-06-12 09:16
    Hi all,

    This is one of the things we were hoping to add to 2.8, but was moved to 2.9.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-02-13 23:02
    Thanks for adding this, very much appreciated!
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