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New Member
Posts: New Member

2012-06-24 18:02
    hi, Is it possible to draw scafolding towers in capture polar? I can't seem to find them in the trial version of capture. I need to draw some light towers which are made of scafolding. Is there a possibilty to create these objects?
    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2012-06-29 13:02
    If you look in the "Truss" folder, and then inside the "Generic" folder there is standard 48mm bar. The length and diameter of this is then fully customisable once in position. You could do it that way and build your towers by just cloning multiple single lengths of bar perhaps?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2016 Staff Member

    2012-07-31 18:16
    Hi jeroen,

    Colin's answer is the best we can give you at the moment. :-)

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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