

capture polar and video capture cards
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Posts: New Member

2012-09-11 15:58
    hi all at capture, nice talking to you at plasa , i have a question , i am still trying to get catalyst into my capture show , and i have acquired a dvi capture card which seems the easiest way to get video into the machine, the machine see,s the card and i can capture the screen output with the software supplied with the card , but i cannot get capture to see the card as a video source , any ideas ?
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2012-09-11 16:13
    ok update, i have tried the coolux software streamer but that sends part of your video screen to capture and only works on a pc , no mac :-( , i could run a seperate machine with the capture card in to send catalyst to capture polar but it seems a bit extreme.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2012-09-19 19:25
    Hi martin,

    As mentioned in another thread, we're looking into finding a solution for this!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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