

Capture Solo & c2s files
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Posts: New Member

2012-09-16 21:52
    Can anyone tell me if Capture Solo will open c2s files. I am thinking of buying the Solo edition, but have several c2s files created using Capture Student that I'll need to carry on using. Cheers.
    Basic Member
    Posts:19 Basic Member

    2012-09-17 14:44

    I dont know the answer to your question, but ive got the solo version. So if you want to send me one of these files i could check if they open propperly and give you a answer then.

    Regards Wusa
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2012-09-18 21:49
    Thanks...Lars emailed me to say that c2s files are Student version migration to other versions. I'll just have to recreate my theatre and set files in Solo.
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