

More realistic dimmer curves
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Veteran Member
Posts:157 Veteran Member

2012-09-26 19:30
    Hi guys,

    I know I spoke to Vangelis about this at Plasa, but I wanted to write a post on here also to see what input other users might wish to have on this topic.

    I get frustrated when I preheat a tungsten fixture at 5% and then very clearly see the effect of this on the stage... even a beam through the haze!

    I'd love to see dimmer curves become more realistic, so that with a tungsten source at 5% you wouldn't see the effect (or barely) whereas an LED fixture it would be more obvious. Also, the difference between 20% and 100% in Capture is far less than in reality. To tackle this would be a massive step forwards I feel in being able to more accurately balance levels, rather than having to suffer an inaccurate picture on the screen, knowing how it will actually look in reality. It's tough to explain that to directors sometimes..."Don't worry, that won't really be there once we're in the venue"!

    What are everyone's thoughts on this?

    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2012-09-26 19:39
    Hello Colin,

    Yes it was nice talking to you once again in Plasa so i am looking forward for people's thoughts too. What Colin is actually talking about is dimmer curves which we already have in our to do list. In capture we believe in prioritizing tasks according to your needs, so please share your thoughts with us.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2012-12-08 00:27
    Hi Folks
    I would add my voice to the call for more realistic dimmer curves.

    I find that capture doesn't represent dimmer levels that accurately and i am having to do radical changes when i hit the real rig. I also am having to reassure directors.

    Another issue is colour.
    im not sure if its my set up or not but i find that colour is not represented that accurately. ( i have used projectors and various monitors )Now for me that not to much of an issue cos i know what the colours are meant to look like but when working with a director it has often been a bit of an issue as they don't have that depth of knowledge.

    Would it be possible to have some form of colour calibration function built in?


    Dave W

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2013-01-02 18:03
    Hi Dave & others,

    Dimmer curve calibrations and especially color calibration are complex topics. We are doing what we can to keep Capture as realistic as possible, and we will see what we can do about these things.
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2013-01-04 23:17
    Hi Lars,

    I had a long discussion with Vangelis about this at PLASA and was hoping to talk to you also.

    From my point of view, I don't wish you to spend a huge amount of time coming up with the most accurate intensity models for every fixture...but there's a generic issue across the board which could really do with being looked at.

    A tungsten lamp (or any fixture really) should not be visible at 1% and there certainly should not be a visible beam and image on the floor from a 10m throw when it is at 5%. This is currently the case. If something could be done to just amend this across the board it would be a huge leap forwards...i'm not sure how necessary it is at the moment to go as far as calibrating all fixture types.

    It's my single biggest issue with Capture so hopefully something can be done to help this.



    Pre Production Services
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    2013-01-23 23:45
    Hi All,
    For me personally, dimmerra curves would also be very helpful. Regards
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