

Video files as texture
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2007-12-22 21:58

    Would it be possible to use videofiles as textures? For me, it would be overkill setting up a whole video-in-system just to visualize a looping film in an exhibition. I would love to be able to add a simple .avi as a texture to the front of my flatscreen-object.

    For starters, an animated gif would work.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2007-12-23 15:28
    Hi Viktor,

    We have this on our wishlist, although at the moment the priority is relatively low so I cannot make any promises at this point. We are carrying through the general graphics improvements first and then we'll see how to move on!

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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