

Connecting Avolites Titan to Capture Demo...not working
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2012-12-12 19:44
    Hi Guys, So basically im a little frustrated as everything is pointing to a working system.. apart from the fact i cant make it work... iv loaded up the "Open Air" demo file on computer A, then open Avo Titan Mobile on computer B. These are connected via a switch. When i goto DMX settings in the Avolites software teh 4 universes for capture show up already.. i assign these to the universes in the avo. I then patch the fixtures as per the schedule in Capture... but nothing.. the show is still as it was when i loaded (all lights on the demo preset that is on when you open the file) Whats up?? am i missing something here?? when i broadcast from Avo on uni 0 DMX workshop shows me values changing... but when i used the already assigned Capture univeses.. dmx workshop shows me nothing?? thanks Tim
    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2012-12-13 10:35
    Hello Tim,

    If you patch Capture as an active fixture as you describe then the issue is on Avo side to investigate, however why don't you just enable artnet 4 artnet outputs next to each physical adress, make them alwasy broadcast artnet, select the right network adapter too in case you have more than one and it will play right away. You will also need to be connected to any network with the adapter you choose, since being on a standalone computer and sending artnet on the same pc is an issue. If this is the case and you are running on windows you will need to install the windows loopback adapter. Follow these and you will be connected in 5 mins 100%.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2012-12-13 16:13
    ok i will give that a try but its pretty much what i have done already. It seems as if capture demo just isnt receiving artnet.. when i broadcast on uni0 system 0 from the avolites console. DMX workshop see's this and the values changing.. but capture doesnt??
    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2012-12-13 18:18
    I can assure you there is nothing wrong with Titan nor Capture and the problem is on the networking of the two locally on your pc. Let me know once you have it all working.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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