

More kinds of Stage decks
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Posts:5 New Member

2012-12-20 19:08
    Hello | My name is Erik from DK. I'm still just a Demo-user. but looking to buy a license next year. | I enjoy using "Capture Polar" and find it very easy to use, I love it.| But I'm wondering if it's possible to implement three more kinds of "stage deck"? One just like the "arch" (an "arch-deck"), just with both +(plus)90 degrees and -(minus)90 degrees so it can go both ways, in and out. One like the "cylinder", I'm using that a lot. And One "triangle", where you only give measures on two sides and the third side gives it self e.g "side a: 1m, side b: 1m" and then it calc.s "side c" to 1,41m. by it self.| All of which has the same standard height as the deck that already is in the visualizer. | The reason I'm asking for this is because I'm using Auto-Cad for designing of stages and risers for various tours, events tv-shows etc. And it would be great just to be able to do it ALL (stage, riser, lights, screens etc.) in ONE program.| PLUS, this is also these kinds of decks my suppliers are dealing with. | Thank you in advance. Erik :-)
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2012-12-27 21:55
    Great idea!

    I'll second that.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2013-01-23 20:24

    We've taken a note of this!
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts: New Member

    2013-01-30 21:15
    What a Great Idea!
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-02-12 16:51
    Also would be amazing if we could join staging together to make a single stage outline. Would make drawings much neater and easier too work with.
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