

between two pc
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Posts: New Member

2012-12-30 10:37
    hello, I installed the Capture Polar on your desktop PC and notebook PC on Compulite Vector. the two computers are networked via LAN swith. In the vector pc dmx protocol is active both vc's and artnet. The Capture Polar does not see the vector pc. The network adapters are set with automatic IP and I also tried with static IP, I also disabbilitato antivirus and firewall. What is missing!
    Advanced Member
    Posts:102 Advanced Member

    2012-12-31 08:07
    • Accepted Answer
    - First of all check that the network connection is working ! On PC This can be done via the Ping command in the Command prompt (DOS) window. - Automatisc addressing will only work work if the switch has a DHCP server inside. So best giving bith PC's a manual IP address in the same range. - Disable firewall and anti-virus.
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