

Google drive folder
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Advanced Member
Posts:66 Advanced Member

2013-01-06 02:33
    I've added a new adress to my google drive folder with my custom library items.

    If anyone has any request or want to contribute with something of your own let me know :)
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2013-04-05 19:52
    Folder updated with some stuff.
    Have also added the project file from this video
    after several requests.

    I have not received any feedback from anyone so far.
    Does anyone have any use for these files other than myself?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-04-06 07:36
    Hi Hebbe,

    I would think that many people are using your objects, but few will take the time to write about it. =)
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-04-06 17:38
    Hebbe again congratulations your objects are very good unfortunately in my case I can´t use cause the Solo Edition don´t allow import-export.
    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2013-04-10 01:47
    Hi Hebbe,

    These are awesome! Could not get your link to work when I first tried a couple of months back but just tried again and all is ok now. The seats and lamps will be really useful for me when working with theatre sets.

    Many thanks for taking the time share these.

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-05-11 11:39
    They are very much appreciated. Especially the PA options for me! Nice to show the noise boys where the hang needs to go to keep in with the design rather than them sticking it where it blokes a hang of lights.
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