

your 3d models of moving heads fixtures with 3 rings rgb led
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Basic Member
Posts:31 Basic Member

2013-02-15 09:29
    Hi to all first of all thanx it's a realy nice 3d visualizer!
    Now I have a question about your 3d models of your library.
    Looking at the Robe fixtures that you have in the Capture Polar library, the 3d models of these type of moving heads fixtures are a lot different from the real looking fixture type ,I am talkig about the 3 separeted rings of the fixture itself,actualy you have a fixture that has 3 leds 1 on the bottom of the other, do you think in the future we maybe can have a more precise looking model?

    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2013-02-15 15:38
    Hello Giancarlo,

    If you refer to the actual aperture of fixtures that are currently unsupported, like the 3 rings of the robe fixture, you will be happy to hear that this is exactly what we are working on. Stay tuned to our updates! I think i have covered you ;)

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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