

Multi Channel conventional fixture. Coda3
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Posts:79 Advanced Member

2013-03-02 12:10
    I'm using a Strand Lighting Coda 3 fixture. this has 3 channels. The fixture lets me add the three colours ok.
    I can patch and allocate the first channel to the fixture but cant see how to add the second and third channels to the patch.

    can someone advise please. Sorry if this has been asked before but a quick search didint show a result
    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2013-03-08 16:07
    Dear Martin,

    It seems you are using the fixture in 1 channel mode. Please go to selected items and under mode select the one with the 3 channels. Then capture simply patches it as a 3 channel fixture.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:79 Advanced Member

    2013-03-08 17:14
    Thanks thats it. Not immediately obvious when the two choices in 2.9.18 are both "control"

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