

Laptop Graphics card?
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Posts:10 Basic Member

2013-03-25 08:44
    Dear Capture team
    I am looking at upgrading my laptop to run Capture

    can you tell me if a Nvidia GeForce GT 525M will be good enough to run polar graphics?

    or can you advise a specific laptop graphics card you recomend?

    David Abra

    (I'm a bit frustrated no one answered my previous post regarding my laptop graphics card, but I'm nearly over it)
    Advanced Member
    Posts:102 Advanced Member

    2013-03-25 09:15
    • Accepted Answer
    It is hard to say that the card is good enough. A laptop has most of the time less performance than a desktop PC. The same for the graphics cards in a laptop.

    Everything depends on the size of your projects.

    If you realy want to go for a laptop, then take a good gaming laptop. An example of this is the Asus G75VX.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-03-27 08:29
    • Accepted Answer
    Hi David,

    We're not quite that fast to answer on the forum, sorry. :-)

    Now, just as Luc has stated, it's not easy to say whether the card will suit your purposes. However, what I believe you're after is whether it will produce fancy graphics or not - which is also hard to say because it comes down to the driver. The thing to watch out for with laptops is who delivers the drivers - often laptop drivers need to be "repackaged" by the laptop manufacturer, which often happens at a far too low pace, meaning that you can end up with getting drivers updates with a significant delay. I can only recommend checking the laptop manufacturers driver download sections to see with what kind of pace they deliver updated drivers!
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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