

Layers visibility
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Basic Member
Posts:22 Basic Member

2013-04-10 15:59
    Hello, I have just bought the Solo edition and am well on the way to creating my first project, of of the stages at Glastonbury. I am loving this 0 its brilliant software and I wish I had bought it years ago.
    Couple of questions - I am bulding in layers, such as stage, roof, truss, set etc. I have figured out how to assign objects to layers and to lock them from being edited, but cannot see a way to turn them off - ie hide them.
    How is that done?
    Advanced Member
    Posts:102 Advanced Member

    2013-04-10 16:05
    - You can create layer sets.
    - in a Layer set you can set which layer is visible and which not
    - this layer set you can assign to the Alpha, Beta or Gamma view, or even in plots and so on
    Basic Member
    Posts:22 Basic Member

    2013-04-10 18:41
    Okay, I have created a new layer set, and for now assigned stage and set layers to be in this layer set. I still cannot see how to toggle visibility of the layer set though.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:102 Advanced Member

    2013-04-11 08:11
    - Now goto the design tab
    - select one of the views, for example Alpha View
    - next to layer set you choose the wanted layer set
    - so in this view, you will see only the layers selected in that layer set
    Basic Member
    Posts:22 Basic Member

    2013-04-11 11:28
    Ah, I see now thank you. I have to go to the text area in the right of the design view box and click on layer set there - not immediately obvious! It also works in reverse of layers in Photoshop etc in that if for example I have the structural elements within a layer set cll structures, if I click that it turns off everything BUT th structure. But it works so thanks for your your help.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2013-04-11 21:25
    If you doubleclick on a layerset it will apply to all views. A time-saver!
    Basic Member
    Posts:22 Basic Member

    2013-04-11 21:53
    Good tip, thanks!
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-04-16 19:24
    You can also drag and drop a layer set onto a view.
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-04-15 05:26

    Would it be possible to add the ability to select layer set for the view from the green spanner menu? That would make it easier to change layer set when, for example, you are working with a particular view maximised and cannot see the design tab.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-04-22 07:49


    While adding a layer choice to the options menu does make sense, I'm afraid there's a lot of other things that would make sense to add there as well so we'll refrain from that at the moment.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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