

Capture Patch to Chamsys MagicQ Console / Software
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Posts:29 Basic Member

2008-02-06 00:57

    Lasse or lars,

    I Use the capture software now with the Chamsys MQ 100 Console and MagicQ PC.

    Chamsys says that the patch can load from the plot of capture into the console or PC software. But it don’t work!

    Is it a function that you not supporting anymore? Or is there a another reason?

    Thanks for your reaction

    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2008-02-06 22:48
    Hi Koen,

    Capture 2005 does not yet support patch information exchange over CITP. Capture 3.0 did however (!). On the bright side, this is something that we are going to implement soon, within up to three releases!

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:29 Basic Member

    2008-02-06 23:51

    Hi Lars,

    Thanks for you explain. It save a lot of time when the patch can load on the MagicQ.

    Hopefully to see the new releases.


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