

Transparency, Atmosphere, and Background...Oh My!!
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Posts: New Member

2013-10-22 08:02

    I have been using Capture Polar for about two weeks, and the learning curve seems to have hit a "manageable" slope. I love the program.

    I have some nagging problems, though, that are probably very quick fixes. Here is a simple situation.

    I have everything set to 100% transparency, because if I set it to 0%, I can't see any surfaccs in Live mode. As you can see, however, I can only see the single electric when the camera is such that the stage is in the background.

    I'm quite confused by this aspect of Capture Polar, and can't seem to get a handle on what is wrong. If I start a new project, and follow the example illustrated in the first video tutorial, the Alpha View window goes black as soon as I change to Live mode! If I "find" the PAR64 and turn it on, I can vary the focus, but see no stage (box):

    What am I missing? Thanx for the great system!!


    Veteran Member
    Posts:157 Veteran Member

    2013-10-23 14:03
    • Accepted Answer
    Have a look at your ambient light setting, which you'll find in the Alpha View settings in the bottom right window. Set it to about 30% and you should see your stage.

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-10-23 21:13
    • Accepted Answer
    Thanx, but I tried manipulating ambient, brightness, and atmosphere, and I still cannot see the stage...

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-11-12 08:54
    • Accepted Answer
    Hi hb, I think the main problem really lies in your remark that you can't see surfaces in Live mode unless you make them transparent. I think the reason for this is a bug in AMD's latest driver package (I'm guess you've got an AMD card here). We have managed to work around this in our latest 2.11 release, so my suggestion is you try version 2.11 and see if you can get around without having to make everything transparent first.
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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