

transparency of LEDscreens
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Posts:8 New Member

2013-11-10 15:25
    Hi Lars, I asked this question before and i was hoping the release of 2.11 would have solved this issue. When using LED screens like for instance the GLEC phantom 30 which is transparent in reality this can't be visualized correct in capture. Transparent screens still have the problem they are not transparent in capture. If i change transparency in the properties menu of the Screen video output disappears. Can you please check this and if possible fix this problem. Kind regards, Jan
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-11-12 08:59
    • Accepted Answer
    Hi, This is something that is on our horizon but that we haven't had the time to adress yet. It does have high priority though.
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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