

Pb With MANet2
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2013-12-11 23:00


    I can start MAnet2 protocol in the dmx/Universe page, but no MANet2 universe appear in the list as it was before.

    How can i patch MANet2 Universe on capture universe ?


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-12-12 08:12

    Hi Pascalv,

    If you are using pre-2.9 MA software/consoles, make sure to change the MA-Net setting for this under Tools / Options.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts: New Member

    2013-12-12 13:25

    I use version and set the option on the the version 2.9 in capture.

    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2013-12-12 20:56
    I am also not able to get v2.9 MANet 2 working with Capture 2.11.21. Changing the setting on Capture to 2.8 and using GrandMA OnPC 2.8 works fine and the Universe window will populate. No go on 2.9.

    Running Win 7 64bit.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-12-16 11:29

    We have been informed by MA Lighting that since version 2.9 of MA2 a hardware is required to free an amount of universes to work with, such as a MA 2Port Node.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2013-12-16 15:59

    Hi, i try with a 2-port Node Pro, and it works perfectly.


    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2013-12-19 00:12

    Does the 2-Port Node unlock all universes for visualization or just as many as the hardware licenses? i.e. a 2-port = 512 parameters, a 2-port Pro = 1024 parameters et cetera?

    Also, does MA have the same "hardware requirement" with the updated v2.9 connectors they built for ESP Vision and WYSIWYG?

    Not being able to visualize OnPC with Capture without expensive hardware is a real limitation.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2013-12-19 08:11

    Hi Henry,

    Regarding how many universes are unlocked we will have to direct you towards MA's support / forums. We agree that it is a serious limitation and have let MA know that we think so too. Apparently it affects all visualizer (apart from MA 3D?).

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2013-12-19 17:08

    i agree with you, we have to post it on MA forum

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2013-12-27 12:39


    I send a mail to ma Lighting and i get a response in french that is :

    Je fais suite a votre mail auprès de MA Lighting.

    La règle qui oblige à posséder un hardware (2 Port, 4 Port, 8 port, onPC Command WIng, onPC Fader Wing,...) pour pouvoir emmettre le DMX depuis le programme gdMA2 onPC à toujours existé.
    Effectivement, le transport et le décodage du MA-Net II à changé depuis la version 2.9 en ce qui concerne la communication inter-application.

    A ce titre, les partenaires MA-NET ont bien reçu de la part de MA Lighting un nouveau "sniffer source" afin de communiquer avec les logiciels ou consoles MA Lighting avant la sortie de la ver 2.9.
    Capture devrait donc être en mesure de régler le soucis qui subsiste dans leur version actuelle assez rapidement.
    Je pense qu'a l'avenir il sera nécessaire d'utiliser un petit "Dongle" logiciel (comme pour Wysywig ou ESP Vision) et peut être ce petit soft ou l'integration de la nouvelle DLL dans Polar leur demande un peu de temps ?
    Si vous souhaitez absolument utiliser Capture vous pouvez utiliser la version précédente de gdMA2 onPC ( : les shows resteront compatible avec une console ou système onPC de version ultérieur utilisés sur le terrain (ou encore faire la visualisation avec le gdMA3D, ceci afin de patienter)

    in few words, they say it must work with no MA-hardware, as a solution for now they just say use old version of MALighting, or use now gdMA3D for visualisation.

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