

Console connectivity to capture
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New Member
Posts:8 New Member

2014-01-13 12:54


    Since the new updates from capture 11 onwards i can not get my console to connect to the software. i have to keep reverting back to the 10 version and it works fine.

    No changes have been made its all the same can i get some advise please.


    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2014-01-13 14:17
    • Accepted Answer
    It helps if you write what console you're having problems connecting ...
    New Member
    Posts:8 New Member

    2014-01-14 14:53
    • Accepted Answer
    etc congo jr
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-02-05 16:40
    • Accepted Answer

    For this type of rather specific support, we recommend contacting us directly at support@ instead.

    We changed some networking things for version 2.11 with regarding to multiple network cards scenarios, such as cable + wifi. If you have more than one IP address than you may need to go into the options of Capture and pick the correct one for Capture to use!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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