

map video walls
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Advanced Member
Posts:127 Advanced Member

2014-02-15 12:57


    I often use borderless LED TV's like Samsung ue55a as video walls

    there is no way to map video on multiple screens

    could you please add this function? or implement the Samsung borderless TV series to the media fixtures as it is possible to map media fixtures

    thanks a lot

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2014-02-15 13:21

    Please take a look at the video tutorial called "video and material mapping" found in our support section below. That is in case you use boxes in the size of your screens instead of the "flatscreen" object found in our library.


    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-02-15 14:39

    We are aware of the inability to map video onto the "FlatScreen" library object. It's something we're hoping to fix for the upcoming version.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:127 Advanced Member

    2014-02-15 15:00

    thanks for the info

    in this case could it be possible to add the samsung flatscreen range into the media fixture library just like LED panels?

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2014-02-22 00:20
    Specific flat screen models are not yet scheduled to be included in our libraries.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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