

dwg tranform to fixture
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2014-02-19 15:01

    I have imported a dwg file. I try to convert the selected block to a fixture.( I drag a movinglight on top off a dwg block ) When i do this the complete block disapears. Someone who nows.....

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-02-19 17:18
    Ok, problem solved ! Thanks luc
    Advanced Member
    Posts:63 Advanced Member

    2014-03-01 12:15

    Hey Eddy,

    I have the same Problem, can you explain, how you solved the Problem?

    Thanks Marco

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-03-01 13:32

    The problem is not in capture but in the imported dwg. Because the imported dwg file contains only general blocks. This means when you select a block it select the complete block but not the items as separated fixtures.( It looks like there is only 1 fixture ! ) The only way to solve this is to ask the designer to make other kind of blocks. I hope this help you...

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