

Focus Sheets?
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Posts: New Member

2008-04-24 11:14
    Hi Im currently running Basic Edition and have seen an added menu. Focus Sheets. I see its an extended edition feature but Im wondering what the results are like. Ive looked on the site and cant see what its produces. Any chance of putting a screenshot of a exported focus sheet so I can see if its worth me looking to upgrade. Cheers Mic P.S. These are no screenshots of what Capture looks like on this site or what it can produce. Maybe a section for forum members to upload screenshots. Like Wygs "Showcase".
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2008-04-24 21:38
    Hi Michael,

    Even though the Focus Sheets feature is a feature of the Extended Edition, you can still try it out (but it will only export one sheet).

    There are some Capture screenshots under "Showcase" in the menu, although not a great many. Thanks for the suggestions of adding an upload page, we'll give that some thought!

    Lars Wernlund
    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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