

Direction snap not working
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Basic Member
Posts:27 Basic Member

2014-03-09 22:57

    I can't figure out why but when I go to paper mode, I can't make the direction snap work as in the video tutorials. I can manually grab one fixture at a time and spin it but I can't select that same fixture or group of fixtures and enter a value in direction snap in the plot section of properties. When I attempt this, it only let's me enter a value between 1 and 90 and the fixture itself doesn't move at all. Also when I spin A fixture manually, it doesn't change the value in the direction snap slot. What am I doing wrong or is it bug?

    Basic Member
    Posts:27 Basic Member

    2014-03-09 23:00

    FYI, I'm using Windows 8.1 and have Capture Extended.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2014-03-19 17:25


    I believe you have misinterpreted the function of the direction snap. Direction snap is a way of restricting the directions of symbols in the plot rather than setting them explicitly. If set to 90 all symbols will be N S E or W, but if set to 45 they will also be NE SE SW NW and so on.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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