

Improvements to Plot creation
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Posts:2064 Staff Member

2014-05-21 10:32


Thank you so much for all feedback - we're talking it all with us into the R&D cave..

Technical Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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Posts:63 Advanced Member

2014-11-10 10:25

My first show with the new Capture Argo is about to be finished, I really enjoyed working with that new version, but now it comes to Plot creation where I really like the improvements like Plot styles and the direction snap 180°, unfortunately I still have some issues I wanted to use the measurement tool from the symbols library, but it's kind of hard to place it in correct position, because it has no x, y, z - properties. The next thing is I always label the x, y - position in the plot, because if it's not printed in the right scale the technicians on stage have problems to hang the lamps in the right position, my workaround for now is to use the circuit-field for that information, but it's a lot of work if you have to do it by hand for every light in the rig, so my question is, would it be possible to have an option to show x,y,z - position in the plot.

All the best Marco

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Posts:2064 Staff Member

2014-11-13 14:56


Thank you for your feedback, we will take it into account!

Technical Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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Posts: New Member

2014-12-31 05:36

Hi Lars

Just revisiting this now that I have been using Argo for a little while. Great to see that many of the suggestions in this thread have been implemented already, thanks. Still a few things I would like to see, I was wondering if you were planning some more improvements in the next versions?

- Drag and drop symbols in edit Symbol key to re-order position in the list. eg I have Atomics with Colors, but they are never listed one after the other, rather Atomic - 2 Lite - some other fixture - Atomic Colors... Would like to be able to tidy this up.

- Ability to filter Symbol Key by Layer Set

- Extra field in Symbol Key to display fixture count (filtered by Layer Set) - toggled by tick box

- Extra field in Symbol Key to display fixture mode - toggled by tick box

- I love the new fixture outline displayed in front and side elevations instead of Plan symbol, but would it be possible to show these outline 'symbols' in the Symbol

Other people have requested the ability to show x,y,z co-ordinates for each fixture... whilst I understand the need I think that could get quite messy. My preferred solution would be a measure that shows distance in increments. So you could run a measure along the bottom and down one side of the plot. Does that make sense? I have seen plots produced in WYSIWYG that have this.


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Posts: New Member

2015-08-31 01:44

Hi Lars

Any news in the pipeline on my points above?

Especially would like to have fixture counts and fixture modes shown in the Symbol Key. Had a project recently where the same fixture was being used in a couple of different modes, but the Symbol Key just lists the fixture twice, so i have to use Custom name to differentiate. On that subject would it be possible to have the Custom name box already populated with the default name so we can edit that rather than an empty box and we have to type it all out?

Would still really like to be able to place a measure on vertical and horizontal plane with increments eg. every metre to help crews placing fixtures... especially as all truss is drawn in a generic way so they can't use number of nodes from one end for reference.


Staff Member
Posts:2064 Staff Member

2015-09-07 08:35

Hi Boac,

Thank you for your feedback!

- If you could send the project file exhibiting "same fixture listed more than once in the symbol key" problem to support@ we would be grateful.
- We will fix the default custom text.
- The kind of measure / ruler you mention is on our wish list but I cannot commit to a date at the moment.

Technical Director
Capture Visualisation AB
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