

GrandMAonPC with capture
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2014-05-05 00:03

    Hey guys,

    First of all you're doing a great job! This made my life as an (starting) lightengineer a lot better! :)

    But now my problem: I wanted to control my show, in stead of dragging my ML's by hand. On the Prolight and Sound at Frankfurt i've discussed this with Lasse, who helped me on the way. (didn't thought this was possible with student version). So now i have the GrandMA on my computer (and Avolites, but can't get into systems to change IP), and want to connect it to Capture via ART-net or MA-net. But I stilll can't figure it out even after an hour of struggeling. Can you guys help me?

    I'm running Capture Student version. Capture and GrandMA are both running on the same PC (Win7)



    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2014-05-05 10:11
    • Accepted Answer
    Feel free to follow our Console connectivity guide which will assist you with network configuration. Avolites offline simulator and any AVO console can connect to Capture via artnet , which you have to enable in the dmx settings of Titan. MA onPC can not connect to Capture unless you have an actual grandMA hardware.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-05-07 18:20
    • Accepted Answer

    Thanks for your reply. I've figured out the Avo offline, and setting up ART-net also worked. But I can't get my lights on. Both dimmer as intelligent do'nt produce any light. Although Pan/tilt does work (can't figure out the rest without light). Even giving lamps a macro via avo (normal procedure) can't seem to do the trick. So what's wrong?


    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2014-05-08 15:30
    • Accepted Answer
    Could you please make sure you are running the latest update for your graphics drivers in your computer? And by the way please check that the grandmaster on the console is at full :)
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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