

Couldn't connect Magicq with Capture polar extended demo (same PC)
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Posts: New Member

2014-05-17 16:23

    Hello everyone,

    I'm new here on the forum.
    A couple of days I'm exploring MagicQ and Capture Polar. (Amazing software!)

    First I installed Capture Polar student version and MagicQ on the same PC it works all fine.
    I can control the lights in capture polar with MagicQ.

    Now I installed Capture Polar extended (demo) version on my PC.
    Everything is the same except the larger library and the program options.
    Building stages works all fine!

    But I couldn't connect anymore with MagicQ to Capture Polar extended (demo). (same PC)

    Has someone a solution for me?
    I searched the forum and couldn't fined anything about it.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2014-05-17 16:35
    Firewall blocking the program?
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-05-17 17:27
    I shut down all my firewalls.
    (Kaspersky and win7 firewall)

    No result.
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2014-05-17 17:38
    I have never had any problems with capture and magic q accept when the firewall has blocked one of the programs.
    It's usually "plug and play"

    Have a look at this maybe...
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-05-18 11:57

    At the moment I'm a little bit further.

    There is a connection between Capture Polar en MagicQ!

    When I add a light I can control the light with de controls in Capture Polar.
    After patching the light I still can control the light in Capture polar. (so far so good)
    But when I start MagicQ the controls freeze in Capture polar it's only possible to control the light via MagicQ.
    When I close MagicQ again I can control everything again in Capture polar.

    There is still something wrong with the connection.

    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2014-05-18 14:07
    Why is that a problem?
    If you have a console connected there is no need to control the lamps in capture.
    U can disconnect the incoming signal in universe tab if u dont want to close your console.
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-05-18 18:01
    I thought maybe It's handy for quick and easy programming.
    You can easy navigate the lights with your mouse, the dmx values would be update automatically in MagicQ.

    In this way you can make very quick cues.

    Or is this nonsense?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2014-05-18 18:15

    Hi Brad,

    In order to get talkback working between Capture and MagicQ you will need to use CITP. Some information is available on page 328 and onward of the MagicQ manual. The main thing is to configure the "Visualiser" setting of each universe under "VIEW DMX I/O".

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-05-18 19:31
    ow yeah! It works for 100%

    Thank you guys!
    Now I can go further with exploring.

    One last little point for the developers.
    Correct me if I'm wrong:
    When you got the Capture Polar student version all the connection settings are on automatically.
    You start MagicQ and all works fine.
    But when you got Capture Polar Extended you must set all de connection by your self.
    The automatically mode seems to be broken in that version.
    That was one of my troubles.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2014-05-21 12:01


    Each universe is automatic in both editions, but stops being so the moment you start making manual assignments. This can be inspected in the universe tab by right clicking on the universe where there are a few settings for this.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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