

License Transfer
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New Member
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2014-09-11 16:37
    Are we allowed to sell and transfer our license to Capture Solo?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-09-11 17:39


    Yes this is ok. You will need to e-mail the details of the owner and the new owner, from the e-mail of the current owner, to and we'll help you out with it. We need the name and e-mail of the new owner.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-12-04 23:53
    Lars I am about to list my license to my Capture Solo on ebay. Should I pay the $39.00 USD to Capture Sweden and upgrade to Argo or let the new owner decide if they want Argo. And would they be able to follow my upgrade path and pay $39.00 for the upgrade? Thank you.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-12-05 15:32


    You can transfer the license to the new owner either way - and the new owner will be able to follow the upgrade path, yes. So it's entirely up to you.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2014-12-05 18:15
    Thank you so much for the awesome service and support.
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