

Moving Mirror fixtures
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Posts:21 Basic Member

2014-09-11 20:55
    Looking forward to the Argo version. Just curious, will it be able to support moving mirror fixtures or accessories? I know this has been a very difficult thing to do in the past and am hoping that, with the new version, I will be able to accurately represent the use of my Rosco I-Ques.
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-09-12 10:48


    I'm sorry to report that this is not part of the feature list of Capture Argo. One of our next major focuses for development after the release of Captrue Argo will however be supporting fixtures with a more complex physical design (such as multi-heads and quite possibly scanner/wash conversions like the I-Que or ETC's cyc adapters).

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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