

Hog 4 and Argo Integration from Facebook demo
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Posts:27 Basic Member

2014-10-14 18:44
    I give up, how do I integrate Hog and Argo so that when I select fixtures and positions in the visualizer, they are reflected in the console and to what extent does this feature go?
    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2014-10-14 18:49

    Do you have the HOG Visualiser connectivity driver installed? It can be found on the HES page and can be installed as stand alone or as part of the HOG3/4 offline simulator. Once you have it installed and you see it connecting to your HOG console/simulator then Capture connects automatically too in terms of dmx universies but also Console link connectivity. I hope this answers your questions until there is a more detailed guide about it too.

    This video might shed some light too into your question

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2014-10-15 15:05

    The Hog 4 Integration is only for Windows ? I have been trying to connect and make the Integration work on my MAC Argo, with no success.

    Any clues... I can make the Hog 4 work using ArtNet, but that is just a one way control. No lucky on the real integration. That is only Windows ?

    If YES , can I install Argo on my Windows parallels and share the license ?


    Gian Bortolotti

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    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-10-15 16:06

    The Hog 4 connectivity drivers (which is the only way of getting fixture selection and autofocus with the Hog) from High End are only available for Windows. You could use your Capture licenses in parallells, but you might not get the performance you need unless you use bootcamp and boot right into Windows.

    Lars Wernlund

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2014-10-15 20:35

    I have HOG driver, I see dmx values from HOG but, I can't take control and send values from capture to HOP PC.

    Windows 7 pro.

    Basic Member
    Posts:27 Basic Member

    2014-10-15 20:54

    I'm having the same issue as above. I have the same up to date v2.4 hog connectivity driver and latest version of Argo. I can control the lights from the console but it won't go the other way and let me select fixtures and click on objects to move the lights there. Is there maybe a setting we are missing within one of the programs? I'll try to find something on the Hog side.

    Basic Member
    Posts:27 Basic Member

    2014-10-15 21:16
    I do notice it seems like in the video both programs are being run from the same computer vs having them on separate computers. Could that be messing it up? Maybe an issue on our computers on the networking?
    New Member
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    2014-10-15 22:00
    I'm running hog 4 pc on my argo machine (latest version) and just downloaded latest visualizer drivers. Same thing here. I can't get argo to control hog 4 pc. Works the other way just fine. I noticed after my install of argo I had to manually patch my hog universes, and that my artnet inputs were appearing on the list also. Maybe there is a problem with the automatic connect part.. who knows. I will leave this with the capture team and check in when they have posible answers. No rush tho, and thanks for argo!!!
    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-10-16 08:59


    Once you have the communication working between your Hog and Capture, the next thing to do in order for fixture selection and autofocus to work is ensuring that all fixtures in your Capture project have channel numbers that match your fixture numbers in the Hog.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2014-10-16 17:31
    Thanks Lars!, it's working.
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