Just downloaded the latest version of Capture Argo and I'm having some serious issues with the zoom function (mouse scroll) as it seems to reach some limits. Already had the same issue with Capture Polar.
Running Capture Argo (20.0.13) on OSX
As you zoom in, the camera will eventually reach its focus point and then it cannot zoom further. If you hold the shift key while zooming you move the focus point along with the camera. A way of understanding what happens is selecting the camera in another view and looking at it's view "cone" while manipulating the camera in another view.
Hello Lars,
I understand what you say but it's not working on OSX.
When I hold the shift key, it's just not zooming.
Running OSX 10.10 with Capture Argo 20.0.18
Updated to 20.0.19, this issue is still unresolved
try updating to 20.0.19 or what ever it is. cam out 12 hours ago
At the moment we don't have any verified bugs regarding zooming. Worth knowing in addition to what I wrote is that in order for the Shift key to work when zooming, one must use the green zoom button (as opposed to a mouse wheel or touch mouse zoom).