

LIcense Addendum
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Basic Member
Posts:16 Basic Member

2014-11-04 23:08

    Is there any chance that you are considering adding a "pay as you go" system, or "rental" for any of your Limited products? For example, if a Student using the Student edition of Capture Argo needs to print a plot so as to be able to hand it in or hang a plot, one could pay x amount of money to be able to do this once or twice. Same idea for solo editions- if one needs a 2nd Universe for a show, one could rent an "extension" for a week and be able to do a design, then go back to single universe.

    Just a thought.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2014-11-07 08:19


    At the moment the answer to that is simply no and I couldn't go into any detail without disclosing sensitive information. Sorry. :-)

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:16 Basic Member

    2014-11-09 09:32
    Fair enough. Thanks. Love the product.
    Basic Member
    Posts:20 Basic Member

    2015-01-31 20:03

    I would also love to see an option to add an additional universe or to rent additional universes/features for projects (like QLab). It's a huge price leap between the solo and basic editions and it's hard to justify spending 4x as much to get the additional universe.

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