

node assosiation?
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Posts: New Member

2014-11-17 22:14

    without doing anything or changing anything, this morning when i opened capture, the hog dp window opens and says "waiting for node allocation"
    it is connected to my hog 4. any ideas?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2014-11-18 11:47


    Are you sure you haven't done any changes at all? I would try restarting all systems and rechecking the configurations.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2014-11-19 12:33
    Have you installed Hog3?

    Hog3 and hog4 use different connectivity drivers and the latest installed seems to be the one that starts with Capture.

    I would try a reinstall/repair of Hog4 software/connectivity driver.

    Otherwise as Lars said...sure you have not done anything different? ;)
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