

wish upon a render....
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New Member
Posts: New Member

2015-01-06 16:45

    Heya! Loving argo! Have noticed my 2gb video card is humming along on my laptop and the 6gb GPU in my d700s is super happy!



    Ability to have a deselect command, simliar to command + d in photoshop. When I've got lots of layers on, say an arena, I have to view way out to click off the accidental selection to unselect. A keyboard command would be awesome!


    Now that I'm into the hundreds of materials (colors, etc.) we need the ability to organize the materials. Same goes for layers, I need multiple layers for one object, but would love to sub group them!

    Thanks guys and happy new year!


    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2015-01-06 17:25

    also really need autosave feature. been bit a few times by that!

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2015-01-08 09:53


    Thank you for your thoughts. There is a deselect feature, although there is no keyboard shortcut for it yet - it is located in the first red button of the navigator when you have objects selected.

    As for suborganization of items in the design tab, this is a request that pops up every now and then. We're experimenting with some designs around it every now and then but haven't quite found the right one yet. Rest assured it's on our list though.

    Autosave is something that we're trying to stay away from - for two reasons. One is that it can cause a lot of problems by itself which would be counter-productive. Another is that we are afraid that people will not bother to send us crash reports and in the long run it's in everybodys interest to have as few crash bugs as possible. So for the time being we're staying away from this.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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