today I upgraded from capture polar to capture argo and now I´m wondering if it`s necessary to build a new "basic" show file.
"Basic" show file for me means:
That I´m working in a conference center with two main halls. For each hall I had build one very detailed show file with all the environment and all the fixed lights. Out of this "basic" show files I start my show files for each new event, I save it under a new name and bring in all the stuff which is needed for this special event like tables, chairs, truss, lighting and so on....
From other softwares, for example the software for my lighting desk, I know that it´s "good" (needed!) to build a new "basic" show file after each new major software release. Otherwise you could get into trouble, if you running the same "basic" file from software version 1.1. till 3.2.
Now I would like to know if I have to do this in capture to, or because everything is build out of simple forms like cubes, spheres ... there is now need to.
greets Sebastian