

Import Gobo from...
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Basic Member
Posts:25 Basic Member

2015-01-20 13:41
    Hi All
    is there a way in Argo to transform and import a pictures files ( bmp or jpeg or other) to use them in fixtures like a Gobo?

    thanks for answer
    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2015-01-20 13:47

    If your question is whether you can create custom gobos the answer is yes. Inside your Capture project under the design tab you see a folder called Gobos. PLease right click there and "add a new gobo", then in the properties of the gobo you "load an image" of your gobo/logo etc. These gobos can be used in the fixtues of your project through the Framelists below. Please read more about it in our manual and remember you can create custom materials too with your custom pictures.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:25 Basic Member

    2015-01-23 02:00
    Hi All
    another question: have the Capture team a solution about bad resolution of gobos ( very bad in VL3000 and Martin Viper for example )?
    or have somebody a pictures bank of gobo about this fixture?
    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2015-01-27 09:09


    For any quality questions pertaining to specific questions, please always e-mail for fast assistance.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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