

Transparent Material issue
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Posts:63 Advanced Member

2015-01-22 00:06

    I have an issue with transparent materials, I have a big colored glass churchwindow on stage, and I just light from behind, to see the colors on Stage, but when I map the material on my box and give a transparency of 90% you can see trough the window and see the light on that surface but in front of the window there is darkness, is there a way to solve this or a trick to get a surface to act like glass?

    thanks in advance for your help

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2015-01-27 09:11


    Capture is not able to visualize the effect a coloured transparent object has on a beam of light shining through it. The transparency of an object merely affects how well the camera sees through it. The "Casts shadows" property of an object allows you to choose whether all light passes through or stops at an object. Unfortunately there is not middle thing. Yet at least. :-)

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:63 Advanced Member

    2015-01-27 09:23

    Thanks Lars for the quick replay,

    With that I can totally work I will use multiple Profiles which will go trough the window in different colors so I can fake the effekt. Thanks to the cast shadows property I am fine.

    All the best Marco

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