

3D connexion - mouse
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Basic Member
Posts:11 Basic Member

2015-02-05 17:25

    Has anyone used a 3d mouse with capture ?

    If so which version - I'm looking at 3d connexion

    Thanks In advance


    Staff Member
    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2015-02-14 08:42


    Sure, the 3D connexion mouses are supported by Capture.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2022-03-04 13:00

    Can somebody explain how the 3DConnexion Mouse is used best in Capture? Or how the motion is used to control the 3D?

    I have still some problems to understand how it works in Capture and my View is often "flying away" but it works better on the training system from Connexion. So I wonder if there is something to be configured in another way to get it worked as expected. Especially zooming in and out seems not to work properly.

    And are the older Models of the 3D Mouse working in the same way the new ones do or is there something very different excpet the design?

    Basic Member
    Posts:18 Basic Member

    2022-03-04 13:25

    ...and maybe someone from Capture will tell the People from 3D Connexion, that Capture can be listed in the supporting softwares for their products. :-)
    I tried to do that, but they want to know it from the company itself as far as I understood...

    Staff Member
    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2022-03-08 13:27

    Make sure you have trie the camera mode in the options of Capture, and remember you can always manipulate directions and also invert them through the 3d connexion options. It takes a little practice but you can adjust it to match your expectations.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:34 Basic Member

    2024-04-26 23:01


    What have you discovered to make using the 3DConnexion mouse easier?

    Please, let me know!

    ozperrenoud at


    Veteran Member
    Posts:329 Veteran Member

    2024-04-29 11:43

    For me the following settings work best:

    In Options:
    Free-flight navigation: Yes
    Disable trackpad panoration (whatever that may be): Yes
    Invert Zoom: No
    Zoom to cursor: Yes
    Sliding Edges: Yes
    3d mouse navigation: Camera

    Floriaan Ganzevoort
    Lighting Designer - Theatermachine
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