

Capture Component
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Posts:37 Basic Member

2015-03-28 00:25

    So is this a thing that would link to a lighting desk like a Jands Vista or a LSC Clarity 600 High End Hogs or even Grand MA type lighting control

    And will it be as if I have the desk hooked into Capture I can grab a group of movers and in Capture use a mouse to say put them on a drum kit and the real lights will move to that same spot

    Thank You

    Paul Rosinsky

    Modern Lights

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2015-03-29 11:57

    No, the Capture Component is not a software that would link to a console, it would be inside and part of the console.

    Think of it this way; if the Capture Demo and Student/Solo/Basic/Extended Editions were cars, the Capture Component could be an engine that other manufacturers might use in their cars.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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