

XYZ Coordinates on groups
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2015-04-07 19:15

    I am running Capture Argo 20.1.9

    I still can't seem to create a group and then move the group in the X Y and Z using the Properties window. It just moves every object in the group to the same position. Is there a fix for this?

    Staff Member
    Posts:2064 Staff Member

    2015-04-09 09:09


    Groups do not have their own X, Y and Z coordinates and there is no way of achieving the result you are looking for at the moment. We did add the ability to snap any selection to the YZ plane as a quick fix for those looking to center a selection. In our upcoming version 21 release in a couple of weeks you will find the "Translate" tool being able to move objects not just relatively but also to an absolute position.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2015-04-09 10:50


    Good news on the improvements to the translate tool, really hope that you can work this out for groups as well sometime soon.

    New Member
    Posts: New Member

    2015-04-14 17:00

    Thanks Lars,

    I hope this can work out as well. I do a lot of Preriged Items that I clone to other positions. However, in the design process, there are times where I have to rearrange these grouped Items and it would make it a lot easier to just select the group and just tell it where to go.

    Thanks again for the reply. I will look forward to Version 21.

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