

3D mapping with multiple projectors
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2015-04-22 15:20

    Hi there,

    is there a way to map a 3D object with multiple projectors?

    I´ll give each projector a different input.

    Do you have any experiences and a software which can handle it with capture? (CITP input)

    Let´s say i want to map a cube on 4 sides and the video shows a line which is moving around the 4 sides.

    Something like this, just with projectors.

    3D mapping with laser

    Best Johannes

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    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2015-04-24 08:49


    If I understand you correctly, you are looking for advice on a media server? For neutrality reasons I'm afraid we will not be able to recommend one.

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2015-04-24 13:34

    Hej då,

    that´s half the truth :)

    We have a couple of mediaserver solutions. I´m looking for a solution to do a 3D Mapping in Capture with multiple incoming Video Sources (over CITP).

    If I have only one incoming video input and give 4 projectors the same input, they´re all showing the same content.

    Example: In reality i´ll have 1 Mediaserver with one output which is send over 4 projectors (each 1024x768), so i´ll have a mapping which is 4096 x 3072 pixel.

    I´d like to assign each projector (in capture) to a single output (via CITP).

    If you have any other idea to do a 3D Mapping in Capture, please let me know.

    All the best Johannes

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    Posts:542 Staff Member

    2015-04-24 13:58
    In your example what is the way that you make each projector show a part of the screen?
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    2015-04-25 15:08

    I double checked it.

    We work with 2 different options.

    Version A)

    Mediaserver with 4 Video outputs (2 graphic cards, each has 2 outputs)

    Version B)

    Mediaserver with 1 output (e.g. 4096 x 3072) + extern graphic card (Datapath X4, 1 input, 4 outputs) Link Datapath X4

    In this option we can crop each part of the 4096 x 3072 an route it to the right output.

    If I use 1 graphic card, like a common macbook, start the mediaserver, i´ll see only one input in capture over CITP.

    If I use another mac in the same network, I can see 2 inputs with 2 different IP´s in Capture.

    I´m looking for a way to see multiple CITP inputs in Capture, by using just one mac in the network.

    It´s hard to describe. Hope you´ll understand.

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    Posts:66 Advanced Member

    2015-04-25 18:16

    I think the mediaserver has to output more than one citp output for this to work.

    In Arkaos Mediamaster you can choose the surface for the citp output and make a special surface with the full output and then map it on surfaces in capture. It works but the resolution isnt the best.

    To make this work with projectors U would have to map the projector output in capture but i dont think this feature exist now, hopfully it will be added.

    It would be nice if it could work :)

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    Posts:2062 Staff Member

    2015-04-26 08:31


    The idea of video streaming in CITP is for the media server to stream physical outputs to Capture, where a physical output is essentially the physical video cable you hook up to the projector. So if your media server setup is set up to output four physical outputs, one to each projector, then you want it to output four CITP video streams. If your media server outputs a 4x surface and you then use hardware to split the video content then essentially your CITP streams would have need to come from that hardware (which is the one outputting the physical content to the projectors). As Hebbe mentioned an option is if you can make the media server output four "virtual" outputs by splitting the video into the four regions that you know your splitter will split them into.

    While we don't really have a plan of allowing the user to pick a video region for a projector, there are ideas about letting the media server specify regions in the video so that in the receiving end you can pick on of these regions.

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    Capture Visualisation AB
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    2015-04-27 12:11

    Thank you guys for all your help. I think it´s an interesting topic and will become a very important matter in the near future.

    I´ll use it to show the client how a 3D Mapping could work on his project (Tent Mapping on Festivals, special surfaces for galleries,...etc.)

    I can´t use the material mapping function in capture, because i want to see the realistic behavior of the projection. (which is great in capture by the way!)

    If you have any other suggestions, let me know.

    Best Johannes

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