

Need blizzard G60 fixed in library
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Basic Member
Posts:29 Basic Member

2015-04-27 02:18
    Hi requested the Blizzard G70 be added to the fixture library and I did the update when you said it was done. But afte I did the library update the Blizzard G70 is still not in there and now the G60 is broken, it is missing its gobos. I really need this fixed quick please. I sent an email but received no reply.
    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2015-04-28 17:25
    Creating a forum post after having already opened up a ticket makes no difference, and of course it does not speed up things by any way. It only slows us down as we need to respond to both places.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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