

No local connection with ETC EOS
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Advanced Member
Posts:147 Advanced Member

2015-04-28 22:11
    Hi Capture Team,

    I'm currently using Argo Solo v21.1.10 connected to an ETC ION 1000 and Argo is not recieving external universe within the program. I have all options for connections set to automatic.

    I do, however, have a connection with Capture Polar Student version with all connection options st to automatic.

    Your help on this matter would be most appreciated.


    John Nichter
    Technical Director
    Rockland Community College
    Suffern NY USA
    Advanced Member
    Posts:147 Advanced Member

    2015-04-28 23:30
    Hi Capture Team,

    After poking around at this computer, I've found the error on my part.

    I had to lift the firewall on the "Public Connection" from the Network Settings.

    Feeling a little "doh" right now, but I'll get over it.

    Thanks for all of your assistance in the past, and sure in the future. :)


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