

Zooming Issues
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Posts:20 Basic Member

2015-05-04 08:02

    I keep running into problems with zooming. I've been working in the file for an hour with no problems, moving around, changing views, etc... but now in my live perspective view, I can only zoom in or out in what seems like centimeters (to scale) at a time. I can still orbit no problem. Holding shift to move my camera also is painfully slow (if it's even working at all.)

    The CAD views have no problems, just the live perspective. Live orthogonal is fine.

    Running Capture Argo on Mac Yosemite 10.10.3

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2015-05-22 08:45
    • Accepted Answer


    In perspective views, Capture zooms in and out from a fictive "focus point". You can never zoom beyond this focus point, but there is a way of zooming where the focus point tags along with the camera, called 'parallell' zooming. To do parallel zooming, hold the shift key while zooming.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Basic Member
    Posts:20 Basic Member

    2015-06-29 14:12
    • Accepted Answer

    Hi Lars,

    That's not the problem. When I'm zooming/scrolling, it's going like an "inch" in the real space at a time rather than letting me zoom around freely. I can only move in and out a little bit and thats it.

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2015-08-03 09:26
    • Accepted Answer


    This is a weird situation that we're trying to fix. The fast way out is to reset the view using the 'Zoom to front' function!

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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