A couple of things I'd love to see:
1. ESC to be used as a "deselect all" key.
2. Arrow keys to be used as "position nudge" in 2D views. Allow us to move selections position by "X" pixels when in 2D mode.
A few tools to create quick but better looking visualizations without tying in or patching a full console.
3. Some sort of a built in fan or array ability attached to the quick focus tool. So when you have a series of fixtures selected and you right click they all focus to center. It would be nice to be able auotmatically fan them out or in via a paired key command. For instance Right click on a position then hold down the "X" key and move the mouse will auto fan/align fixtures along the X axis, or Y axis.
4. An odd/even or segment slection tool So when you have a group selected you can easily select odd or even groupings to assign color or positions without reselecting or re-grouping.