

Hog4 Connectivity Driver wont open when Capture is loading
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Posts:4 New Member

2015-09-21 08:54
    Ive updatet Hog4Pc to version 3.2 and also the Hog4 Connectivity Driver to version 3.2 . Now the Hog4 Connectivity Driver wont open when the Capture window is loading. Did anyone else here noticed this problem? Capture version is 21.0.12
    Basic Member
    Posts:30 Basic Member

    2015-09-28 03:00
    High End have made major changes to how visualisers are handled in Hog4 v3.2.0 onwards. I haven't had chance to update my Hog software yet but I understand this is how it behaves now - the connectivity window no longer appears and the DP patching, etc, that it used to do is now handled on the Hog4 console or 4PC. Check out the v3.2.0 release notes and manual for the details.

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2015-10-02 16:43

    We have been informed that it will not probably work when on the same computer, and it will be fixed with their next update. Please keep track of their upcoming release whenever that is.

    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    New Member
    Posts:4 New Member

    2015-10-06 14:33
    Now after the update to 3.2.1 everything works fine. There are no problems when you have the Hog4Pc Software on the same system as the Capture programm.
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