Hi all,
the first production of the season is over and I'm finishing my paperwork, now I#am having some issues in plotcreation in the latest version of Argo. I'm wondering if it is a bug or feature ;-) that I can't move the Channelnumber and the DMX-Address-Field in paperview, because I can't select them alone, so now their position is fixed below the symbol. Another thing is that you can assign a filter only in a 3D-view and not in Paperview anymore, that's ok but you always have to search for the lamp you want the filter changed in a 3D-window, in previous versions you could change the filter in the paperview-window for example, that was much faster than how it is now.
I'm sure that are minor bugfixes for you but would make our live much easier.
Thank you for your hard and outstanding work in this software.
All the best Marco