

magicHD issues
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2015-11-04 19:17

    Hi i cannot get capture to see magic HD as a media server, magicq is seeing the server and passing thumbnails and live preview , capture is seeing chamsys universes but i cannot get capture to see hd as a video source,,,,,,any ideas

    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2015-11-19 08:14


    Did you manage to find a reason for the problem?

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
    Advanced Member
    Posts:53 Advanced Member

    2015-11-30 05:48

    I ask this question to Chamsys the other day and this was response:

    In theory yes this is possible as MagicHD outputs via CITP to MagicQ.
    We've tested this with MagicHD sending to MagicQ and MagicVis so we know it supports multiple streams, but not tested with Capture as yet.

    I haven't gotten Capture to see the CITP stream either. I have tried on same computer and computer to computer.

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