

Price Model Suggestion
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Posts: New Member

2015-11-26 07:45

    I would like to make a suggestion for the pricing models of Capture software, from my own personal point of view, if that's okay.

    I'm am still at an early phase of learning the lighting industry. I take as much part time work as I can get, but being located in a somewhat rural area limits the amount of work I can do. The lack of full time work in lighting makes it really hard to spend the $395 on the Capture Solo edition. I'm not saying it's not worth it, because it is. It's just that some people, like myself aren't able to make enough from lighting gigs to be able to afford it, especially when we have to buy a lot of our own gear.

    If Capture Solo had the option of a monthly subscription price model, I think a lot more people like myself would jump on the opportunity. Something like $33 per month would be a lot easier for people to justify, and would allow people to use the software to make money which means they'd be likely to keep the subscription permanently. I know I would. I'm not suggesting that you get rid of the current pricing model, just that you consider adding a subscription model, at least for the basic Solo edition. I think by doing this you would also open the software up to a much larger audience by having a price model that doesn't require a high price point for getting started.

    I use the student version of Capture all the time to learn and experiment, but the fixture library limitations means you can only do so much before hitting a wall.

    I think the Capture Sweden team is doing an amazing job with the product, and the only reason I'm making a suggestion like this is because I really think Capture is an awesome application. So please don't take this as a rant or anything.

    Thanks for listening.

    Staff Member
    Posts:543 Staff Member

    2015-11-27 15:47
    Thank you for your input, all feedback is received and taken into consideration.
    Sales Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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