

Feature Request
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2016-01-21 09:03

    Is it possible to have a favourites tab in the Library section for you to add your most commonly used items.

    Also it would be nice to be able to stream video to Capture using a URL so you can stream from VLC or other software.


    Staff Member
    Posts:2063 Staff Member

    2016-01-22 08:32


    Thank you for your feedback. Some sort of "favourites" system in the library tag is commonly request on our list for the future.

    Regarding video streaming we support the industry specific protocol CITP/MSEX. We are looking into adding support for Syphon on the Mac, but will also take other streaming options into consideration.

    Technical Director
    Capture Visualisation AB
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    Posts:31 Basic Member

    2016-01-26 10:30
    Lars Wernlund wrote:

    We are looking into adding support for Syphon on the Mac.

    Hi Lars,

    It's a good news to know you are still considering Syphon. It would be a really great feature for mac users.


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